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Male Grooming Tips

The 12 Male Grooming Tips

The 12 Male Grooming Tips

Men’s grooming is now as much an essential as a well curated wardrobe and a working knowledge of a natural wine list.

That means it pays to find essentials that work for you. For your skin, your hair type. The trick isn't to spend a fortune on a thousand different products, or to lock yourself in the bathroom for hours at a time. Rather, you should develop a daily routine that is quick, simple and – above all else – about straightforward maintenance that even the most product-averse man can easily pick up and run with.

From simple-but-effective haircare tips to finding your signature scent, these are the 12 easy grooming habits all men should adopt. The advice and products to help you look (and feel) better.

1 | Become a regular at your barbers

Get into the habit of regular stays in the barber's chair: if you've noticed your hair needs a trim, then others have too. That means you get proactive (as opposed to reactive). While some men can settle for monthly appointments, your locks may still enjoy a growth spurt, thus requiring increased attention. Don't be surprised if it takes triweekly, or even fortnightly visits.

2 | Know which hair products that work for you

One size does not fit all, and the current rotation of men's products reflect this. If you've thicker, unruly hair, know that pomade and waxes are for you. The finer-headed should go go for lighter products. Moreover, there's stuff for those with no hair at all.

The solution is simple: do your research. Products usually do what they say on the tin, and some light reading, in addition to some slight trial-and-error, will glean the right kit for your hair.

3 | Find your signature scent

Colognes and aftershaves are built to complement, not knock passers-by out cold. So, use sparingly, and rather than owning eight to ten average scents, find one or two classic blends that you really like.

Then, invest. 

4 | "Do a Dylan" with your toothbrush

If eyes are the window to your soul, your mouth is the gateway to your character. That means you present the best version of yourself, and let an electric toothbrush do the hard work for you.

According to a study by Sheffield University, rotating brushes reduce 11 percent more plaque than manual toothbrushes, and can also significantly reduce gum problems. And while you're at it, use a mouthwash after you brush first thing in the morning.

5 | Scrub your face

Flannels won't cut it. A well-chosen scrub - concoctions specially designed to slough away deceased skin - is a weekly essential to keep skin in its best condition.

Your gleaming face shouldn't come at the planet's expensive, though. Opt for natural ingredients, like oats, or apricot kernels, as opposed to micro beads that work the way up the food chain, and end up on your plate. Bon appétit.

6 | Manage your facial fuzz

In recent years, beards have surpassed trend status to become a regular fixture: amongst offices, amongst bars, amongst creative agencies resplendent with bean bags and 'blue skies thinking'. Whatever that means.

The newfound green light isn't without regulation, though. Maintenance is essential, and a decent beard trimmer will keep unsightly neck hairs at bay, and give some semblance of care. They're not even that expensive, either.

7 | ...Or learn how to shave like an expert

Prepare your skin beforehand with a shave oil that'll help the razor easily glide, while soaking the blades in warm water will help your pores expand, reducing redness and irritation. If it still feels like a chore, leave your precious face in the hands of the experts and get a professional shave once a week. 

8 | Sort those eyebrows

Big eyebrows aren't a problem – but if they're meeting in the middle, you've got a problem on your hands (and in the middle of your face).

Naturally eliminate a monobrow by focusing on the stragglers that stand apart from the main body of your slugs. Plucking is time-consuming, though so if needs be ask your barber to tidy your brows up when you're next in. If they're worth their salt, they'll offer to do it for you.

9 | Nail your hand-care routine

Cutting your nails once a week – preferably after a bath or shower, to soften them and make them easier to trim – is basic. But that rough, flaky skin around the nail bed? Treat with a tiny bit of moisturiser every couple of days to smooth things over.

10 | Wear sunscreen

if we could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it.  It reduces ageing. It reduces wrinkles. It reduces the risk of skin cancer, which, worryingly, is on the rise.

We suggest adding a light SPF 30 moisturiser into your daily grooming routine, a two birds one stone job that will nourish and protect.

So there you have it, If you have anything else at all that you’d like to ask us prior to your first time at Barbers of Cheltenham, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch, contact us click here, we look forward to seeing you for your grooming very soon!

Further reading :

To book your next (or first) hair appointment at barbers of cheltenham get in touch with us on:

Cheltenham  07970195002

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